Thursday, December 11, 2014

15 Festive Favorites

Hello lovely ladies! I'm so happy to be back to regular posting as are all of you, so I won't reiterate what everyone else has already said. I'm also so happy it's December. There's something about this month that is just simply beautiful. Also, Jason Mraz's 'Winter Wonderland' is beautiful. You should go listen to it. 
So in the spirit of this month and getting ready for Christmas, I'm going to list my 15 Festive Favorites. Something that I maybe stole off youtube but we're gonna pretend I didn't. 

1. Festive food this is really hard to answer since I like food a lot. Obviously festive desserts are amazing. I really enjoy the ham and pineapple sauce that we have at Christmas, but everything is good. Except that weird green jello that sometimes shows up on the tables. I know lots of people like it, but I don't even know what it is... so I have a hard time accepting it.

2. Reindeer I don't really know their personality types, but as far as names go... I really like Blitzen. Yeah I'd probably say Blitzen. Also his name goes last so that means he's the underdog.

3. Day of Christmas (as in the song) I always kind of liked the 11th day with the pipers piping because I never really understood that and it just sounded cool to me. But the thought of lords a leaping is also sorta cool and weird. 

4. Song ooh this is also pretty tough. I very much enjoy Elvis' Blue Christmas but I do enjoy them all. As far as religious Christmas carols go, Oh Holy Night is definitely my favorite. I think it does an amazing job of capturing the epicness of what we're celebrating. 

5. Present One of the best presents I ever got was definitely my first guitar. I also remember that Christmas very vividly. For various reasons (heheh sorry Mercy) 

6. Film Ooh I really love Holiday Inn and Muppet's Christmas Carol. Though White Christmas has crept up the list this year. And Christmas in Connecticut is great. Also It's A Wonderful Life. But definitely Holiday Inn and Muppets.

7. Cracker toy I don't know what this means

8. Cracker joke I don't know what this means either

9. Decoration I love lights everywhere. Especially when we're driving around at night and counting them all. They just look very nice

10. Candle scent It's not a candle, but we have a car freshener which is like Christmas Spirit or something and it smells like white chocolate peppermint covered pretzels. Makes me drool.

11. Christmas TV Ad not the M&M one. I like the new Coke one out this year though. It's pretty decent.

12. Tradition putting up the Christmas tree is always one of my favorites. Harry Connicks Christmas concert will never get old.

13. Place to spend Christmas At home with all my siblings. And even though it's crazy, and stressful, the day that we go over to my grandparents house for relative presents is always really fun and it's definitely a tradition worth keeping

14. Fact Um.... we're going to go with the fact that Santa has the naughty and nice lists tattooed on his forearms. 

15. Snowman accessory I like when snowmen have pipes. Like real pipes that you could actually smoke. Mercy remember  that one time when I decided to dress like a snowman for the day? I was in all white and I think I painted my face. I put on a hat and scarf and took one of dads pipes to hold in my mouth. Well I got a sore throat and felt like a terrible person because I was too little to be smoking. Such a weirdo.

I want to hear y'all's 15 Festive Favorites because.... we don't have a very long time until this holiday season is over. I love you guys lots. I hope all of you know that. Also... we need to convince our mothers that we need to have a visit sometime in the new year before Laura and Mercy go back to school. Laura, stay strong while finals is happening. Rose, stay cute until next time we see each other. Mercy, stay awesome, I guess. 
<3 G 

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