Friday, August 22, 2014

Everything is just sorta weird


very weird. 

But yes, today is Friday and I am now 17. I guess I was yesterday too but I just started to think about it today. And it is also weird. I've just been feeling weird lately and I don't think it's because Mercy hasn't stopped talking in her Miranda voice, but that might be part of the problem. I'm not really sure, but I guess I should just deal with it.

Anyway! Gurls, yesterday was such a nice day. Like I don't think I was aware of how exceptionally nice, and cool all my friends are. All day, I had endless cards, presents, Facebook messages, snapchats, Instagram posts, texts, phone calls, blog posts (basically any social media site you can think of) coming in and it made me feel so special. I got to spend the day with my beautiful family, making cake, watching Desolation of Smaug, dancing to Mamma Mia and Kpop, and even took an adventure out to the mall and over all it was just a lovely day. And then to top it all off, I got to Facetime with out beautiful college freshman.

Which is another weird thing. Laura is in college. and obviously we've been talking about this for almost a year now, but it's finally here and it's weird. And I don't want to think about it anymore. If I think about Laura, she shall be sitting in a hammock in her back yard, or talking with her mother in their kitchen, or sassing off with Rose and Laura Jay or maybe at youth group. But not on a strange campus with all those band kids and their tubas, or the intimidating jocks, or in the very empty and lonely kitchen.
But I can't ignore it forever. The fact that the Foursome is finally starting to transitioning to functioning adults who have to do scary things like get good educations, or jobs.
But eventually I will face it. And I too will get off my scared young butt and go get a job, or apply to colleges and then Mercy and Rose will follow.
Just give me some more time to process this.

But for now, I need to go back to bed and get more sleep. Or read from the beautiful new Jane Austen books my mother got me yesterday, or listen to some music that will soothe my weird and confused little soul. Sorry that this is short, but I'm not up for anything today except sleep. Maybe I'll just sleep my 17 (technically 18th) year away.
<3 Grace

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