Now that I have said my greetings, I'm going to jump right into it and reply to all of last week's posts:
Mercy love! Thank you for understanding the big integrity crisis. I felt a lot better after reading your post, honestly. And I promise, despite developing the habit of saying "dammit" when I'm aggravated, I'm still the same thoughtful, inquisitive, sarcastic Siri I was before I dabbled in the murky waters of Adulthood.
Yes, I just swore on OTAS. The world has made me rough, lords and ladies.
Rosiepose- I give your post a 10 out of 10 for GIF usage, inspiration, and overall porcupine Rosieness. I feel like you would be a porcupine if you were an animal- pokey and habitual and eccentrically grumpy, but really fascinating and different at the same time.
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It's you! |
Grace-with-the-most-beautiful-face: I know you're scared. I am too. I have been fighting against adulthood like a screaming baby- I. Do. Not. Want. To. Grow. Up. And yet it has to happen, to everyone everywhere, and everyone everywhere is scared! Probably even more so than you. You have brains and manners and a heart willing and able to serve Jesus, and you are going to do so great. I can't wait to see what this next year brings for you and your amazing gifts and talents. <33
AND OUR FRIDAY POST. Our ideas for that post were spawned out of the greatest Facebook chat conversation ever had in our Fearsome Foursome thread. I want to reiterate what we said on Friday- if you're an avid reader of this blog, we would love for you to be a guest blogger! Let us know if you're interested, by email, comment, or Tumblr ask. Check out the 'Stalk Us' page above if you want to contact us about it! We would love to have your words alongside ours on OTAS.
So, this is week 2 of Laura Takes On The Real World, and since I have to go study some salad recipes I'm going to make this short and sweet:
Grownups are basically teenagers with wrinkles.
The illusion of great maturity after high school graduation is somewhat of a myth. Sure, you're a bit wiser and taller and can legally by cigarettes and alcohol, but on the inside there isn't much of a difference between 15 and 25. Adults are scared too, gurls. They're just better at keeping it in than most of us and our peers:
And I'm coming to understand, the more I see the less I know. I just don't know everything, like I thought I used to. And it's scary, but at the same time it's okay because nobody knows everything. In fact, I'd venture to say that everyone knows nothing. Which is why we are all in desperate need of a Savior like Jesus.
So, to conclude my rant on the capable facade of adulthood:
-adult acne. It's a thing.
-people are aggravatingly capable of creating drama like middle school girls, be they 14 or 40. Sorry, gurls, but it never ends
-the real world is only scary when you aren't in it.
-so many people strive -to fit in, to be the teachers pet- as they did and even more so than in high school
-grown ups are like, funny. My kind of funny, too- sarcastic and clever and a bit caustic
-most adults have been where you are and are willing to be supportive and encouraging to you in your situation, because they, unlike most of your contemporary friends, understand where you're coming from
-those-know-it-all teens you all hate? They will most likely become the know-it-alls everyone hates in Adult World. And they get worse, because not only do they think they have all the answers, they have their age to back up their entitlement to rightness, 500% of the time
I get my first ever paycheck tomorrow. My mom's philosophy is that you have to spend your first paycheck on something special and extravagant- what do y'all think I should buy? Army green Toms? The 'on Wednesdays we wear pink' sweatshirt from Victoria's Secret? Or something else, magical and full of wonder? I'm definitely not spending the whole thing- I need to pay my phone bill, buy textbooks, and save for things like train tickets (!!!!!) and my CNA license. But, how crazy should I go with the most money I have ever had at once in my young life? It's a stressful excitement, this moneymaking business. God help me to be a smart steward of the funds He has given me.
I hope this boring, adulthood post didn't put any of you to sleep. I'm just overwhelmed and excited and clueless in so many new ways, and I hope that, when the time comes for each of you to leave home, put on REAL pants, and step into the grownup world, you will remember that it's okay to be terrified, because everyone is. It's okay to cry, and have the occasional panic attack, and lose your appetite and hair due to abundant new stress. It happens to everyone, and if they can do it, then you can to. And you can emerge victorious by the grace of God.
This reminds me of a song...
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another one of my favorites. And my Man Crush Monday. |
--Laura :)
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