I'm also experiencing PRSD. I'm also experiencing The NaNo Hangover. pretty much I have no inspiration to blog. I don't know what I want to blog about because I didn't have anything this week to go off of. and I have so many new story ideas to write about but I have no motivation to start writing again. Except one idea is so cool that I might start it. Basically, my great great grandparents met on a boat coming over from Sweden and they got married and I was reading this family history book about it and it is amazingly sweet and cute and I really want to research it more and find out all I can about it and write about it. It reminds me of The Titanic except it has a happy ending which results in many more generations of people. Sorry Leonardo DiCaprio.... sucks to be you.
Point of that is that I'm grasping on to any sort of inspiration that I have. Winter sucks all inspiration right out of me because the sun goes away and I have found that the weather dramatically affects my mood and I know it does the same to you girls too because we have moaned about it each other so many times. I hate falling into the post-Christmas-and-New-Years-depression that comes about January 5th when people go back to school and the Christmas tree comes down and you realize all those New Years resolutions are stupid and the same ones that you've made for the past 8 years of your life and they never actually happen and you can't listen to Christmas music any more and all the lights are gone and everything is gross brown/grey and cold and it sucks.
So before all that happens I'm hyping myself up for it. I'm going to make a list of things that I want to accomplish during January and hopefully it will help me from falling into that cold bleak depression. (also I adore making lists)
*Start editing NaNo
*Start writing something fun
*read three (or more) books that I've never read before
*start voice lessons with my piano teacher
Not only will this list grow with time but I'm also compiling a list of things that will hopefully keep me inspired when everything else is dark and cold
*listen to 'Winter Winds' by Mumford and Sons
*redecorate your room
*pull out your favorite childhood novel and reread it, remembering all the things you love about it
*make a cake. (did you know that November was national bundt cake month? I only just remembered this right now and I'm realizing I did not make a single bundt cake the whole month. I'll just make one later today.)
*stop listening to Mumford, The Head and The Heart, and Bon Iver just for one afternoon and have a dance party to Taylor Swift and anything else on the radio. or country music. it does wonders to an unhappy person.
*Watch The Vlogbrothers
*Write a poem that will make someone laugh
*Watch Pride and Prejudice
*get out of pajamas and wear something really cute. or something a little crazy. Anything to get you out of your sweats and over sized hoody.
*stop drinking tea and make a drink disaster.
I think part of the reason of this depression we all seem to find ourselves in is that we allow ourselves to fall into it. We get all caught up in doing school. And listening to the depressing/thoughtful music. We drink tea while staring out the window at the bleak outdoors with our over sized hoodys pulled over our heads. We shuffle around in our slippers only leaving the house when we have to. I do know that the sun actually does play a part in this and the fact that it goes away for a few months does put a damper on anyone's spirits but that doesn't mean we have to be huge clouds of gloom. I don't know if this will actually help at all but I'm going to try it and see if maybe I wont seem so utterly unhappy from January till May.
For right now though, I shall go finish my school while listening to Christmas music. I will research my family history some more, and then I shall bake a bundt cake and make it blue just for Ethan because he desperately wants me too. (he wanted blue chocolate chip cookies but I want a cake so we agreed on a blue cake. he's reading Percy Jackson and he's now part of the fandom) I shall rejoice in the fact that is the very beginning of the Christmas season and that I am not a complete depressed lump of a person. I hope y'all have fantastic Thursday and weekend and don't forget to watch Carrie Underwood's 'Sound of Music' on tv tonight. Laura, I can't wait to read your post on Monday <3 Grace

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